What are the steps in Buzzlytics' sales process?

In modern B2B sales, no two sales processes go exactly the same way. At Buzzlytics, however, we have designed our sales process to be efficient, unified and informative for our prospects, and we move forward only when they understand our unique approach to their success.
We are a digital sales and marketing training agency. We train companies that want to take control of their marketing and optimize their sales process. To do this, we offer a rigorous program of leadership coaching, strategic planning and training sessions that focus on SEO, content strategy, video production, HubSpot expertise and sales techniques.
In most cases, when a company first contacts us, people at that company have read an article from us, watched a video, attended a webinar or attended one of our events.
And as you can read below, this "content first" approach fits right in with our sales process.
Buzzlytics' sales process: it starts with education
When a prospect enters our sales funnel, our primary goal is to educate them. This ensures that prospective customers are well-versed in Buzzlytics' philosophy - and it helps eliminate bad prospects who will consume the sales team's time or become dissatisfied customers. Therefore, each stage of the process is carefully designed with the goal of informing prospects.
Step 1: Discovery call
Who will be there? An account manager from Buzzlytics and your team members
Duration: 30-45 minutes
What to expect: Before you even talk to Buzzlytics for the first time, you can expect a little "homework. We want to make sure we all have the same expectations before moving forward. Buzzlytics is not a marketing agency. We are teachers, coaches and trainers. We're not going to write your content and shoot your videos. We're going to teach you how to do it and make sure those efforts fit into a larger business strategy.
Before the first interview, you can expect a video from our account manager, as well as two articles to review.
Reading and processing this content is essential, and our account managers won't move on to a real conversation until you confirm that you have.
Why do we do it this way? By sending you content in which 90% of your questions are answered, we can go deeper into the content in our conversations, rather than having to spend valuable time on this during conversations.
Our sales process is actually an educational process. We don't want to move forward until we are on the same page.
During the initial meeting, you can expect a fruitful conversation in which we learn more about you and you learn more about Buzzlytics. We want to guarantee that our team knows as much as possible about your business and your needs. That way, we can begin to plan the right training for your needs.
Step 2: Exploratory interview
Who will be there? Your Buzzlytics account manager and your team members
Duration: 45 minutes, within three days of your initial interview
What to expect: the second interview is an exploratory interview. Again, you can expect some homework in advance.
If the discovery call revealed that we could work well together, then in the exploratory conversation we dive much deeper into your business, your goals and your challenges.
This time you will be doing most of the talking while your account manager takes notes. These notes will be saved and shared with other Buzzlytics team members who will eventually work with you. This way, everyone has access to what you've told and you don't have to repeat yourself.
We want to dig deeper into your goals and challenges, as well as talk about your timeline, budget, company culture and more.
Step 3: Meeting with your coach
Who will be there? Your account manager and coach, and decision makers from your team
Duration: 30-45 minutes, within three days of your previous interview
What to Expect: Once we all agree that They Ask, You Answer Mastery is a good fit for you, we will introduce you to your coach, who will guide you through the process. Our coaches have deep business acumen, excellent leadership experience and the ability to guide meaningful, enriching conversations.
Your coach will soon lead your in-depth planning sessions. So it is crucial that the coach become familiar with your business to get off to an effective start.
You will leave this meeting with a very clear idea of what to expect from Buzzlytics - and who you will be working with.
Step 4: Discuss agreement and schedule kick-off session
Who will be there? Your account manager and decision makers from your team
Duration: 10-20 minutes
What to expect: This meeting takes place once we've all verbally agreed to move forward with each other, you know your team is willing to do the work to get the results, and Buzzlytics is confident we can help you. At that point, we go over the details of the agreement together and can celebrate the start of our collaboration.
Once the contract is signed and the first payment made, your account manager will contact you within 48 hours to schedule the first coaching calls.
The process, from beginning to end
A sales process is a lot like dating. No one is ready to get married on the first date. Instead, a lot of introductory conversations take place first, where both parties have to figure out if the other person is a good fit for them.
At Buzzlytics, we believe you shouldn't have to depend on an agency forever to write your content, shoot your videos, organize your HubSpot portal and schedule your emails. You can learn to do these things (and much more!) at a high level, which provides true marketing and sales freedom. That's why our sales process is heavily focused on education to make sure our clients know what they're getting into.
We believe in teaching ownership. In our sales process, we help you on your way to independence and excellence. Every step forward represents an investment in the future of your business, so we take these steps deliberately to get you ready.
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