Build your own marketing
and sales machine

including access to AI tools

From external dependence to in-house expertise

Early this year, we are launching a completely revamped sales and marketing program. With proven frameworks and four different levels - from Start-up to Mastery - you'll learn how to take control of your marketing and sales.

In regular group calls, you will learn from experienced coaches and experts who work with these methods every day.

Whether you are a freelancer or have a larger team: you choose the level that suits you. For a fixed monthly fee, you get unlimited access to all the training and tools for your level. Oh, and all levels include our extensively tested AI tools, which help you do your job faster and better.

Join and build a strong in-house marketing team that no longer relies on outside agencies.

Why we stopped being a marketing agency
(and now teach you to do your marketing yourself)

After years of being a classic done-for-you marketing agency, we discovered something important: the most successful companies are those that do most of their marketing and sales themselves.

Therefore, we believe that no company should depend on outside agencies for its marketing and sales. Instead, we help you build the expertise you need on your own. We do this in group training sessions, based on our years of experience with proven frameworks like StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer.

Join a growing number of companies that are bringing their marketing and sales in-house. After all, why continue to depend on outside parties when it's more sustainable, and cheaper in the long run, to do it yourself?

The right time for your in-house marketing team is now

The way people buy has fundamentally changed. But many companies have not yet adapted their sales and marketing strategies to it.

That's a problem.

Because while your prospects are now making 80% of their purchase decision online, you may still be working with an outside agency that still sticks to traditional marketing strategies.

By bringing your marketing in-house:

  • Become the most trusted advisor in your market

  • Reduce your marketing costs in the long run
  • Shorten your sales cycle through better content
  • create a steady stream of qualified leads

In our marketing and sales program, we help you implement the frameworks and systems that have already proven themselves in thousands of companies worldwide.

Learn from experts in the field

Our team consists of specialists who work daily with the frameworks and methods you learn with us. From content trainers and video specialists to sales and StoryBrand experts, each team member brings years of hands-on experience.

Our trainers apply the same strategies they teach you, both for our own growth and that of our clients. In the group sessions, they share their expertise and help you overcome obstacles.

Lucas Doornhein


Bastiaan Kolster


What you get in our training and coaching program

Our training and coaching program consists of 4 levels: Start-up, Essentials, Growth and Mastery. That way you can get into the variant that suits your organization at that moment.

Whichever variant you choose, you will always have access to a complete learning environment that will help you take control of your marketing and sales. For a fixed monthly fee per level, regardless of the size of your team.

In each variant, you will learn to use AI. For example, you'll get AI tools to create content or review your content and learn all about our AI-driven processes. This will help you write faster and improve the quality of your content.


(as of 01/02)

  • 450 ex. VAT per month

  • Access online platform
  • Training program Marketing Made Simple (5 group calls).

  • Fortnightly group call - StoryBrand (30-45 min.)


(as of 01/03)

  • 750 ex. VAT per month

  • Everything you get at Start-up +

  • Weekly group call - Content (1 hour)

  • Bi-weekly group call - Sales (1 hour)

  • Monthly group call - Website (1 hour)
  • Monthly group call - MarTech (1 hour)


(as of 01/03)

  • 3,250 ex. VAT per month

  • Everything you get at Essentials +

  • Weekly accountability (group)
  • Quarterly days per role
  • Quarterly planning sessions (1:1).


(as of 01/03)

  • 7,800 ex. VAT per month

  • Everything you get at GROWTH +
  • Monthly coaching (CEO or CCO) (1:1)
  • Bi-weekly accountability (1:1).
  • Feedback on up to 5 assets per week (1:1)

This is what you will learn in the trainings

  • How to use proven effective frameworks
  • They Ask, You Answer for beginners & advanced students
  • StoryBrand for beginners & advanced students
  • How to keep momentum high in your organization
  • Develop content using AI
  • Define the role of the content manager in your organization
  • Develop a long-term content strategy
  • Develop a long-term video strategy
  • On-page SEO best practices
  • Keyword research strategy
  • ROI tracking
  • Connecting Marketing to your sales strategy
  • Making data-driven choices
  • Sales companies using AI
  • Documentation, evaluation and optimization of your sales process
  • Solving the biggest sales challenges
  • Sales training and role plays
  • Training assignment selling
  • Apply video in your sales strategy
  • Optimizing your sales process for video platforms such as Zoom
  • Pipeline management and reporting
  • Applying AI to your website
  • Using AI to improve your website
  • Website Content Optimization
  • Developing the 16 most important pages of your website (including wireframes)
  • Develop scorecards
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Establishing a knowledge center
  • Using AI to apply StoryBrand faster and better
  • Refining your BrandScript
  • Oneliner training
  • StoryBrand-proof websites and landing pages creation
  • Developing lead generators
  • Writing email campaigns StoryBrand-proof (including opt-in, sales & nurture campaigns)
  • Training StoryBrand-proof quotations
  • Training StoryBrand-proof presentations
  • Training StoryBrand-proof webinars
  • StoryBrand marketing plan
  • StoryBrand sales approach
  • CRM clean and optimize (partly general, and especially HubSpot)
  • Marketing automation strategy
  • Lead scoring and lead qualification training
  • Database management (HubSpot)

What makes this program so unique?

Why choose our approach?

When you partner with us, you're not choosing yet another marketing agency - you're investing in building your own marketing and salary expertise. You learn not only what to do, but also how to do it.

We believe so strongly in this approach that we don't even ask you to make a long-term commitment. Choose the level that currently suits your business and budget and grow to the next level at your own pace.