
Daan Schmidt

Owner Buzzlytics

Reading time: +/- 6 min

December 17, 2024

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These 7 factors determine whether your StoryBrand implementation will be a success

Team celebrates success during meeting, several employees cheer and clap around a conference table with laptops and documents in a modern office

You have studied StoryBrand and are now considering implementing this method in your marketing yourself. But before you invest time and money, you obviously want to be sure you can meet the conditions for a successful implementation.

As a StoryBrand-certified guide since 2019 and co-owner of StoryBrand Netherlands and Buzzlytics, I have helped dozens of companies implement StoryBrand. Some clients saw their sales increase up to six times, while others struggled to get results. Because of this experience, I know exactly what factors make the difference between success and disappointment.

In this article, I share the seven critical success factors we've identified based on research among our most successful clients. After reading, you'll know exactly what it takes for a successful StoryBrand implementation. That way, you can make an informed decision about the next step.

Companies that are successful with StoryBrand believe in the method from day 1.

Success factor 1: Team effort - believing in the method

The first and perhaps most important success factor for a successful StoryBrand implementation is that the entire team believes in the method. In companies that have seen their sales double, triple or even increase sixfold, we see one constant: from the very first day, the entire team was convinced that StoryBrand was going to work.

This belief manifests itself especially in how the team deals with setbacks. Instead of questioning the method when something does not work as expected, they look at what they themselves can improve. They have the mindset of: "If it works for others, it's going to work for us. We just have to figure out how."

This does not mean that there is no room for critical questions or doubts. It does mean that the team is willing to work through this phase and maintain confidence in the process.

Also read: Is StoryBrand right for every organization?

Success factor 2: Set aside time for rapid implementation

The next step is to allow sufficient time for rapid implementation. Successful companies understand that rapid implementation is crucial to maintaining momentum. You see this, for example, in companies that have completely redesigned their marketing in a short period of time.

By implementing quickly, you avoid wasting energy. You don't have to keep reinventing the wheel and you achieve results faster, keeping the team motivated. It's better to have a few months of full focus on implementation, than to spread it out over a year with half attention.

Successful companies make time for rapid implementation.

Success Factor 3: Fully follow advice from StoryBrand experts

The third success factor is perhaps the most challenging: fully following the advice of StoryBrand experts without compromising.

Successful companies don't take elephant paths. They do not selectively shop around for advice or mix elements of their "old" marketing with StoryBrand.

Instead, they trust the expertise of their StoryBrand coach and are willing to part with what doesn't work. Because when you do what you always did, you get what you always got.

Success Factor 4: Focus on the basics first

Fourth, successful implementations are characterized by a clear focus on the basics. This base usually consists of creating your one-liner, optimizing your website, developing a lead generator and setting up mail campaigns.

But exactly which parts are part of the basics varies from organization to organization. When determining the basis, we look with you at "the fastest way to the cash. In other words: what do you have to change to see your sales rise as fast as possible? It may turn out, for example, that you need to start working with your sales team instead of your website.

Most importantly, we need to get the foundation for your business right first, before we start working on other parts.

Also read: The 5 components of an effective sales funnel

Successful companies do not selectively shop around for advice or take elephant paths.

Success Factor 5: Choose discipline over motivation

Another characteristic of companies that successfully implement StoryBrand is that they put discipline over motivation. You're excited about StoryBrand now, but in a few weeks another marketing method may come along that excites you. And so you keep chasing "the next best thing.

Companies that are successful with StoryBrand, know how to resist this temptation. They know that only consistent action leads to results and that you have to persevere when the novelty wears off.

It is often the "boring" companies that simply do what needs to be done that get the best results.

Success Factor 6: Avoid distractions and downtime

A sixth characteristic of companies that get results with StoryBrand is that they always keep moving. StoryBrand implementations often fail not because of lack of knowledge or resources, but because of distractions. Because StoryBrand is usually important but not urgent, it is often pushed aside first when busy.

But successful companies always keep moving, even during mergers or acquisitions. They don't put projects completely "on hold" and make sure at least one person stays busy with implementation.

This is very important because practice shows that it is very difficult to get a stalled implementation going again. Procrastination often results in abandonment.

Successful companies persevere even when the novelty of StoryBrand has worn off.

Success Factor 7: Put your ego aside and keep learning

Finally, companies that are successful with StoryBrand put aside their ego and turn on their "learning mode. They understand that StoryBrand is all about what the customer needs, not what they want to tell them.

This is reflected in an openness to feedback and a willingness to let go of established assumptions. They maintain a focus on customer needs and remain constantly curious about improvement.

A great example is a SaaS customer who saw applications for software increase sixfold, simply by putting his ego aside and fully following our advice.

Success with StoryBrand is not an accident but a choice

Every day, my colleagues and I see companies struggling with whether they are ready for StoryBrand. That doubt is understandable - implementing a new marketing approach is always exciting. But we have also seen companies that embrace the seven success factors discussed in this article succeed in their implementation time and time again.

So a successful StoryBrand implementation is not a matter of luck or chance. It comes from a conscious decision to create the right conditions within your organization. In doing so, you lay a solid foundation for success.

At Buzzlytics, we have guided many Dutch companies through their StoryBrand implementations over the past few years. We have seen companies that took these success factors seriously grow their sales by 200%, 300% and in some cases even 600%.

Want to know if StoryBrand can work for your business? Then schedule a no-obligation consultation with one of our StoryBrand consultants. We will be happy to discuss whether your company is ready for StoryBrand and how we can help you successfully implement it.