What does HubSpot cost (less than you probably think)?

You are considering signing up for TAYA Mastery and have read or heard that for best results with They Ask, You Answer we recommend using HubSpot. You've looked into HubSpot before and then concluded that it's too expensive for your business. But is that really true?
At Buzzlytics, we help companies implement They Ask, You Answer and as part of that, we teach them how to work with HubSpot.
I myself have worked a lot with HubSpot: first as CMO at a SaaS company and for the last 1.5 years as a They Ask, You Answer coach. The cost of HubSpot is a recurring issue in the conversations I have with companies, and I've found that many of my discussion partners don't know what they can actually expect to spend on HubSpot.
With this article, we are going to clarify!
Specifically, we address:
By the end of this article, you will have a good idea of what you will spend on HubSpot.
What is HubSpot anyway?
HubSpot once started as a marketing automation platform based on the inbound marketing methodology. Today, HubSpot is a total solution for marketing, sales and service automation. It allows you to track the entire customer journey. HubSpot therefore calls itself a "customer platform.
The platform consists of a number of products:
Each Hub is available as a starter and a professional variant. Below is an overview of the most popular features for each Hub.
Marketing Hub
Sales Hub
Service Hub
Content Hub
Operations Hub
Commerce Hub
You can purchase and use the Hubs separately or in combination with other tools you currently use. Although it is convenient for usability to have everything in one tool, some of our customers choose, for example, Marketing Hub from HubSpot for their marketing and Salesforce for their sales.
To get the best results from They Ask, You Answer, you need a tool (or combination of tools) that:
Below we elaborate on this.
Measuring the ROI of your content
For success with They Ask, You Answer it is important that you can measure what the ROI of your content is. After all, otherwise you won't know what's working and whether you're doing the right things. In HubSpot, you can see exactly how much traffic, leads and revenue a particular article generated.
For example, Marcus Sheridan writes in They Ask, You Answer about his article A Guide to Fiberglass Pool Costs that at the time the book was published, it had already generated more than $6 million. Without a tool like HubSpot, he could never have drawn this conclusion.
Tracking a prospect's journey on your website
In addition, you want to know what content your lead viewed before he scheduled an appointment with you. You then know what you do and don't need to explain more and can go into more depth in the conversation. In HubSpot, you can see what content the lead has consumed and therefore whether he viewed specific products. You can then include those in the sales conversation as well.
Provide insight into customer interactions with your company
Finally, you need a tool that provides insight into ALL of the customer's interactions with your company, i.e. which pages he visited, which webinar he watched, sales calls he made, emails sent, and so on.
HubSpot meets the above three requirements, and what's more, you have everything in HubSpot in one place. So if you want to modify something, you don't need another separate tool to do so. This makes HubSpot incredibly user-friendly.
However, the fact that we recommend HubSpot does not mean that you cannot participate in TAYA Mastery without it. If you are already using another tool (or combination of tools) that also meets the above requirements, you may be able to continue using it. We will of course discuss this with you.
Also read: Is HubSpot a requirement for TAYA Mastery customers?
What does HubSpot cost?
License fee
HubSpot has a reputation for being an expensive tool. And in the past, that was true. You used to pay a fixed amount per month per hub, regardless of the number of users. The smallest package cost you $1,300, and the largest paid double that. This made HubSpot unaffordable for some smaller companies.
Nowadays, however, HubSpot uses a pricing strategy based on the number of users (seats). As a result, you can start with Marketing Hub or Sales Hub for $15 per month per user (or even for free). You can then scale up as your needs change, so "It's too expensive" is no longer an argument for ignoring HubSpot.
License fees for TAYA Mastery customers.
So although you can start with HubSpot from 15 euros per month per user, the basis for TAYA Mastery consists of Marketing Hub Professional with 2,000 marketing contacts and Sales Hub Starter. For Marketing Hub Professional you pay 792 euros per month for 3 users and for Sales Hub Starter 15 euros per month per user (both when paid per year). So you can expect that in the TAYA Mastery program you will spend at least about 1,000 euros per month in license fees for HubSpot.
Implementation costs
In addition to license fees, you may have to deal with implementation costs. If you choose Starter, you can often do the implementation yourself, but with Professional you also need a professional implementation. This costs between 8,000 and 25,000 euros, depending on the size of your team (to be trained), the number of hubs, any data migrations, and so on.
HubSpot training in TAYA Mastery
HubSpot's fee structure can be quite confusing if you're not already working with HubSpot. But that's completely understandable with all the different Hubs and variants to choose from.
You now know that for TAYA Mastery you will need at least Marketing Hub Professional and (usually) Sales Hub Professional, and that you will spend just under 1,000 euros per month for that, in addition to implementation costs that depend on the size and complexity of the implementation.
At Buzzlytics, we train and coach TAYA Mastery participants to get the most out of HubSpot. We are not a HubSpot Partner (nor do we want to become one) nor do we perform implementations or integrations.
However, we do offer training to select the right tools and we can help you use HubSpot properly. In the latter case, you can think of trainings to improve the quality of your data, set up assignment selling templates, build TAYA dashboards, and so on.
If you're not currently using HubSpot, but want to start doing so when you start TAYA Mastery, it's helpful to let us know ahead of time. We can then work with you to see which Hubs you need and how many seats, and sometimes we can also negotiate special discounts through our network of HubSpot partners.
Wondering which Hubs and how many seats we would recommend to you? Or do you want to know if you can keep using your current tools or would you be better off switching to HubSpot? Schedule a free consultation with a They Ask, You Answer advisor and we'll be happy to think with you!
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