StoryBrand vs. They Ask, You Answer: a perfect marriage

At Buzzlytics, we offer both StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer courses. These are both proven frameworks that have already helped hundreds of companies around the world.
But why do these frameworks complement each other so well? And when you first start working with us, is it best to start with StoryBrand or rather They Ask, You Answer? In this article, we address these and other questions.
What is StoryBrand?
Perhaps you've already worked with us to implement StoryBrand and are now curious what the difference is from They Ask, You Answer.
But if StoryBrand is (also) new to you: it's a method that helps you clarify your message, helping your customers understand what they can come to you for and buy from you faster.
The framework was developed by Donald Miller, who has already helped hundreds of companies around the world implement StoryBrand.
In 2021 we brought StoryBrand to the Netherlands. The Dutch translation of the book is now in its 6th printing and has been in the Management Book Top 100 since its publication and has become an evergreen. We have also helped dozens of companies clarify their message and trained other StoryBrand coaches to do the same.
What is They Ask, You Answer?
They Ask, You Answer is about building a culture in your business based on all the questions, problems and concerns your potential buyers may have. You answer them openly and transparently on your website. Not from a sales perspective, but from an advice perspective.
Your website plays an important role in this. After all, 80% of the customer journey takes place online, even before your potential customer contacts you.
That's why it's important to answer your customers' questions, problems and concerns as best you can already on your website. You can then use this content in your sales process. That way, your ideal prospect will be better informed during the sales conversation and will buy from you faster.
Why StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer complement each other so well
StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer fit together so well because they both seek the same thing: clarity and clarity for your potential customer. One method does that from story, the other from answering questions. So the frameworks do not bite each other, but reinforce each other. In essence, both methods are about how to make it as easy as possible for your potential customer.
The terminology is also similar: at StoryBrand you are the guide as a company and at They Ask, You Answer you are the "trusted advisor.
Suppose you sell solar panels. Then, as a guide or trusted advisor, you are not in the business of selling solar panels, but you want to help the potential customer as best you can.
So you get into the advisor role, which allows you to be very open and transparent. Then sometimes it will happen that thanks to your openness and transparency, someone will not buy from you.
But that's okay, because you will have gained his trust with your content. You may not (sell) anything for that now, but we believe that sooner or later this trust will come back to you. You can only build lasting relationships if you don't go for the quick sale, but for the best advice.
Where is the best place to start?
If both StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer are new to you, you may be wondering where to start. Will you clarify your message first or answer customer questions in your content first?
In principle, you can do both, but we have found that it is easier to implement They Ask, You Answer if your message is clear. For this you do not have to go through a separate StoryBrand program with us first, this can simply be done within your TAYA Mastery program.
For those who have already done StoryBrand, They Ask, You Answer is a great next step.
Why we work with StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer
Proven frameworks
At Buzzlytics, we see marketing as 80% math and 20% creativity. That means we don't keep reinventing the wheel for every client, but use proven frameworks.
That's fine for you because thousands of companies around the world have already had success with StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer. So there's no reason why these methods wouldn't work for you, too.
It is also nice for us because we can offer our customers a proven framework and work more efficiently.
The methods fit our company well
But there is more: both methods also fit our company very well. After all, our team consists of idealists who all want to make the world a little more beautiful.
We want to help companies the best we can and with the combination of StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer we can offer companies a complete package: from clarifying their message to creating content that generates sales and shortens the sales cycle.
However, we do believe that StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer only suit you if you genuinely want to be your potential customer's guide and trusted advisor.
After all, it also means that you have to be willing to let go of potential customers who don't fit your business. That you're okay with not cashing in on everything in your pipeline.
Because your primary concern is not to make as much money as possible, but to help anyone who knocks on your door as best as possible. And sometimes the best way to help someone is to say "no."
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