What happens after I sign up for TAYA Mastery?

Starting They Ask, You Answer Mastery means embarking on a cultural, tactical and strategic learning experience that will transform your business.
After working out the details of your program with your account manager and meeting with your coach, you can finally get started.
This article tells you what to expect after you sign - who you meet when and what happens next.
After you have signed and transferred your first payment
Signing the contract and transferring your first payment sets the entire program in motion.
You can expect a kick-off session within a few days and a more extensive planning session within one to two weeks.
Keep in mind that you will be given assignments after the kick-off session. We usually ask you to read through an article and take a few courses through IMPACT+, the They Ask, You Answer education platform that Buzzlytics uses. This way, everyone gains shared basics quickly, which ensures that you make rapid progress.
Meet the Buzzlytics team you will be working with
During the Mastery program, you will interact with several Buzzlytics team members.
Kick-off session: who, what when
Your TAYA Mastery track begins with a one-hour kick-off session.
This will be led by your coach, who will review the program content with you and answer your questions. You will also meet with your member success manager, who will go over the practical aspects of your TAYA Mastery program with you.
After the kick-off session, both your team and our team prepare for the first important step: the four-hour planning session.
Scheduling the planning session often depends on your availability, but usually happens within one to two weeks of the kick-off session.
During the planning session, you can expect a "deep dive" into the current state of your company's sales and marketing programs and goals, with a strong focus on building a strategy (and associated priorities) outlining your path forward.
When will the program get into a rhythm?
After the kick-off session and initial planning and strategy session, you are well acquainted with your coach. You've learned a lot about They Ask, You Answer and have begun discussing training plans, staffing needs and more.
After that, the program will settle into a rhythm. Although the coaching and training sessions will be tailored to your team's needs and progress, the meeting frequency and homework you are assigned will begin to feel familiar.
We find that most clients need about 30 days to feel at home in the program.
Once you get into the rhythm, you can expect the following regular sessions.
Quarterly planning session (4x per year, 2-4 hours)
Who should you bring: Your leadership team (owner/management), head Sales, head Marketing
Who do we bring: Your Buzzlytics coach
What to expect: Each planning session is a measurement of your company's health and goals. Your Buzzlytics team helps set priorities, develop your one-page strategic plan (OPSP), set goals and create a quarterly plan.
Leadership coaching (usually 2x a month, depending on needs; 45-90 minutes)
Who to bring: Your leadership team
Who do we bring: Your Buzzlytics coach
What to expect: You can expect us to discuss progress on quarterly priorities, initiatives and learning goals. This is also the time to address bottlenecks within and decisions made by your company.
Practical training sessions (30-45 minutes, frequency depending on client needs and coach's judgment)
Who to bring: depending on who the topic applies to, for example, your HubSpot manager, content manager, videographer, sales staff, marketing staff or other staff as needed.
Who do we bring: Buzzlytics trainers
What to expect: These highly practical training sessions will help your internal team master key digital marketing and sales skills.
The first steps on your journey
Don't be alarmed if the first few days or weeks of Mastery feel intense. That's the intention. You have in the first few days of the program to build a shared foundation of terminology and expectations.
Know that many companies have gone before you - and that you can always contact your coach if you have questions or concerns.
You will take your first steps toward independence from external marketing agencies and true sales skill. You will get there and we will guide you every step of the way.
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